Myler Level Two Mouthpiece
The level two mouthpiece is the ideal Myler bit for starting off most horses, or for most horses moving into Myler bits. They offer greater tongue relief than a level one mouthpiece and are useful for horses that show resistance to tongue pressure.
Level two mouthpieces introduce the concept of tongue relief to the horse through the means of a port or flexible mouthpiece, thus teaching the horse to be more accepting to the contact. The mouthpiece collapses slightly in the middle, rotating directly onto the tongue to apply some tongue pressure but nowhere near as much as a level one mouthpiece. The design of the level two Myler bit mouthpiece allows the horse greater tongue relief, improving his ability to swallow and elevate his tongue.
The mouthpiece of the Myler level two bit, as with the level one, features a central rotating cylinder to the centre of the mouthpiece, preventing it from collapsing into a V shape and causing pinching to the bars and lips of the horse’s mouth.
Read about Myler Level Two-Three Mouthpiece (including the Myler Combination Bit)