Online for Equine are now stocking Superfix Supplements. Superfix supplements are made from natural ingredients, but are scientifically proven to work. Superfix was started in 2007 by Carol Michael PhD, who is one of the leading equine therapists in the UK providing specialist treatment for loco-motor dysfunction in the race horse. She has over 20 years experience of working with some of the top performing race horses and trainers in Europe and she firmly believes in supporting well-being, fitness and performance by the use of physical therapy, pain relief and nutritional/nutriceutical support. The products are extensively researched, tested and refined with race horses in a yard environment, and have achieved considerable success, especially with horses that are often deemed un-trainable. From all of this knowledge the products she has developed can be applied to many of the common physical problems presenting in race horses today, but also competition horses, such as tying-up, bleeding (EIPH) and poor performance. Superfix products are used extensively on race horse yards and competition yards, with great success. Superfix offer a range of supplements which have been designed to help with respiratory, joint problems, Azoturia and many more. Keep an eye on our blogs as each week, we will be discussing each supplement in greater depth.